Holding Space For The World
eric braun eric braun

Holding Space For The World

Just what does this mean? I mean, exactly how does one literally hold space? I know some people who take up space 😊 but that’s different. Then there’s the idea that it implies some action be taken. That’s not it. Or, perhaps doing absolutely nothing where you tell your friends, “you guys take care of it and I’ll stay here holding space!” That’s not it either. So what does it mean…

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Election 2024: So Now What? Time to Choose Love over Fear
eric braun eric braun

Election 2024: So Now What? Time to Choose Love over Fear

I used to be afraid of fear. That’s now history. I invite you to join me here now.

I spent the day after the election sitting with a swirl of uncomfortable emotions alternating between grief, sadness, anger, and fear, aware of it all actually being held in a larger field of happiness for simply being alive and feeling. And I allowed these feelings to freely flow through me so I can quickly get back to center, back to what I am here for, to serve our awakening. 

I had communicated with several friends and clients who felt similar feelings along with despair, hopelessness, anxiousness. As I reflected on what was happening with us, this came to me loud and clear…

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Now About Those Nagging Thoughts…
eric braun eric braun

Now About Those Nagging Thoughts…

This piece explores profound concepts regarding the nature of thoughts, the illusion of psychological time, and the practice of mindfulness. It offers valuable insights into how one can be liberated from pervasive thoughts and the perceived problems they create.

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What if Animal House Was On To Something?
eric braun eric braun

What if Animal House Was On To Something?

Perception is like water. It is a lens that conforms to the container that holds it. That container is formed by beliefs. Change your beliefs and the perception or lens changes — the way you then see and respond to life changes. Let’s look through two mutually exclusive lenses…

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You Cannot Not Have Faith
eric braun eric braun

You Cannot Not Have Faith

Faith is a gift. Faith is an application of belief. You cannot not have faith. Even scientists who claim that faith is out of their domain, or perhaps backwards, do not realize that they place their faith in the scientific method. You cannot not have faith. Faith is a very powerful manifestation determinant…

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I Don’t Mind
eric braun eric braun

I Don’t Mind

Ever notice that when you don’t mind some thing you’re at peace about it? Have you ever noticed that when you mind about some thing you’re not?…

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Go Neutral
eric braun eric braun

Go Neutral

In the world of movies, there's a classic scene that we've all seen before. Someone's behind the wheel, cruising down the road, when suddenly, disaster strikes. The brakes are sabotaged, and their foot is desperately stomping on the pedal, while the car continues to accelerate. Panic sets in, and they're locked in this frantic struggle. Of course it never occurs to them to simply throw the transmission into neutral. The analogy holds true in our own lives when it comes to our minds…

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This Is Not A Drill
eric braun eric braun

This Is Not A Drill

Everything in the world seems to be changing faster. Things seem to be breaking down faster. What is going on and what are we called to do with this in ourselves?…

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Whatever You Appreciate, Appreciates
eric braun eric braun

Whatever You Appreciate, Appreciates

Consider this: Energy flows where attention goes. In the practical realm, what we choose to focus on expands within our perceptions and experiences. This focus influences the electromagnetic field we radiate, playing a pivotal role in what we attract and repel. Gratitude is a potent positive force that acts as a magnetic pull for goodness.

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