About Eric

Who Am I? That is one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves. From personal experience, I've come to realize that the true essence lies in understanding "what" I am.

I am a lifelong meditator with extensive training in transpersonal psychology and integral counseling psychology (California Institute of Integral Studies), M.A. in health psychology, mind-body interaction (Stanford University), wholistic wellness and Raja Yoga (Himalayan Institute), Advaita (non-dualism), master practitioner of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), energy healing, and a B.S in electronic engineering with a minor in computer science (NYIT).

If interested, please read my Quora answer to: What spiritual movements or groups have you participated in, and what did you learn or take from them?

I am a successful escapee from the tech world, having run my own software engineering company for 20 years, having been a director of engineering at an international Silicon Valley company, and an angel investor. I now help people create balance in their lives between purposeful right livelihood and their own awareness-expansion practices. In this equilibrium, work becomes joy, and joy becomes work. I help people shed what they are not so they can live their most true, authentic Self — a powerful, joyful way to be.

Inscribed outside the Temple of Apollo at Delphi is “Know Thyself” - Gnosce teipsum — It's the most important thing — to know one’s true nature. This is what forms the core of our work together - revealing what we truly are beyond what we've been told, or taught, or even believed.

I am one who can assist you in exploring the depth of this essential question, actualizing the answer from a mere concept into a lived experience.

I am on a journey, just like you. The form of my journey is guaranteed to be unique from yours, yet the destination is guaranteed to be the same.

So what? You may ask, “What qualifies you to help me reach new levels of self-realization?” Well…

  • I am one with a lifelong dedication and love for the exploration and participating in the evolution of one’s consciousness — I embody a profound love for Truth. 

    I am one who has a living relationship with the the higher Self and inner wisdom, which I experience as the unconditional Love inherent in all there is, allowing It to guide my life, seeing constant synchronicity and gifts, and helping others experience the peace and joy of knowing their true Self.

    I am one who feels the Pulse of the Master Rhythm, attunes to This, and allows This to express through all I do.

    I am one who has plumbed the depths of my own pain and intergenerational trauma to the point of no longer being afraid of it nor of the shadow. I can allow what wants to come to come so it can be seen, felt, healed, and released. Through this alchemical process, pain transmutes into love, granting liberation and reintegration of the self. This transformative journey is available to all.

    I am one who possesses significant experience in working with psychedelics for accelerating healing and transformation. I have been fortunate to witness wonderful results in others and in myself from using such tools with sacred intent.

    I am one who lives as a creative spark with the joy of allowing It to express through me in all ways at all times. I can guide you in realizing this infinite wellspring of your own creativity, with profound practical implications.

    I am one who knows that I am far more than a mere “somebody.” We can transcend our roles and façades, shedding the false identifications that breed suffering. This work empowers you to wholeheartedly embrace your roles without confusing them with your true identity. Paradoxically, once we clear up this case of mistaken identity, we become far more effective in playing our roles. 

    I am one who spent many months in the crucible of India, as I confronted the defenses I erected around my own pain, despite the immense difficulty it entailed. I could not be doing this work now if I didn’t go through that then. This can be said about everything in our lives. 

    I am one who knows that I have thoughts and I am not these thoughts, that I experience feelings and I am not these feelings, I have a body and yet I am not this body, and I perceive limitations and yet I am not these limitations. I am one who has a personality and knows that I am not this personality — I see us as much greater than our personalities. The game is much bigger than what we think we are — extending infinitely beyond the boundaries of our self-perceptions and self-definitions.

    I am one who experiences the power of connection and sees the healing that it brings. 

    I am one who is attuned to inner Guidance and allows It to lead my work in helping people accelerate their own journey of transformation and expansion. 

    I am one who can see deeply into people, beyond their challenges, to their core, to their beauty, to their perfection, to their strength, to their true Self.

    I am one who sees that being witnessed, witnessing, and accepting someone exactly where they are in their evolution is a powerful and sacred catalyst for transformation.

    I am one who experiences Awareness as one of our primary superpowers, that Awareness is corrective, and that Love is our ultimate power.

    I am one who is highly intuitive and skilled at helping others get to the root cause of inner blocks and transforming them so that one’s life can flow more easily.

    I am one who has healed a significant amount of my core wounds and limiting beliefs. I can help you do the same. 

    I am one who is in a constant state of learning and exploration. I no longer have any idea of what my limits are.

    I am one who loves to do this work with people — to have deeply meaningful conversations that can shift perceptions. A shift in perception is all it takes. 

I am a safe space in which you can allow yourself to be seen and accepted exactly as you are.

If any of this resonates with you, then let's have a conversation and see where we go. 🙏