I Don’t Mind

Ever notice that when you don’t mind some thing you’re at peace about it? Have you ever noticed that when you mind about some thing you’re not? When you mind some thing you’re in the personal mind. And the personal mind has an agenda. The personal mind thinks it knows what’s best, it thinks it knows the way the world should be. It thinks it knows the way some thing should be for you, for your happiness, for your peace. When you take a good look at it, when you really examine it, do you find this to be true? I sure don’t. 

When I don’t mind, I’m out of my personal, reactive mind. It means that whatever is, is OK just as it is. Because the fact is, what this moment is is what it is. Period. So in every moment you have a choice — you can either mind or don’t mind. In my experience, to be peaceful and happy and joyful and curious and present, you simply have to go out of your mind. Because when you go out of your personal mind, which is a complete fabrication and hallucination about what it thinks reality should be, what we automatically end up in is actual Reality, which is the Unity Mind of Infinite Intelligence. And it’s always peaceful.

So I don’t mind. And if I find that I do, I know that I have a choice — to mind or not to mind, that is the question. This fits perfectly with Shakespeare’s question “to be or not to be, that is the question.” When I mind, I cannot Be. When I don’t mind, I can Be. And when I can simply Be, I Am. 🕉


You Cannot Not Have Faith


Go Neutral