You Cannot Not Have Faith

The opposite of faith is not doubt, it is rigid certainty.
— ~ Larry Brilliant, M.D., part of the UN team that eradicated smallpox from the world.

Faith is a gift. Faith is an application of belief. You cannot not have faith. Even scientists who claim that faith is out of their domain, or perhaps backwards, do not realize that they place their faith in the scientific method, predicated on the belief that the physical plane is the primary causal reality, despite no actual evidence that that is true. You cannot not have faith. Faith is a very powerful manifestation determinant of your inner and outer experiences.

Where you place your faith is where you direct the Creative Force as it flows through you. The “outside” world then shows us a reflection of what we have created in our “inside” world. Notice the quotes in the last sentence? It is because as we gradually experience the truth of this, our old perception of there being a separation between the two, dissolves.

When we do not intentionally and consciously place our faith, the fear-based ego mind will place it for us. Many place faith in false appearances. They have faith that what they are seeing is real. Many have faith that bad things will happen to them. (Murphy’s Law anyone?) Others have faith that good things are for other people. Others have faith that there is not enough for them and that they will always struggle in the material world. Others have faith that they have no power. And perhaps most insidiously, most of us place faith in what the ego-mind tells us is real and what reality is. 

Whatever you have “faith in”, wherever you place your faith, there will you create. Whenever faith is placed in anything short of what we actually are, which is unbounded Awareness, the flow and power of Infinite Intelligence, what you create will be incomplete. And that incompleteness, by definition, must be out of alignment with the Whole. When you stop at appearances you are placing faith in the appearance. The more you rest faith in the Source of what you are, the Light behind all the appearances, the better everything flows.

The small ego self always contains doubt and always will. So personally, I no longer place faith in what my ego self thinks I am nor in what it tells me. Instead, I have come to experience an absolute faith in what I know I Am - The Infinite Divine Flow (our shared Being) dancing through my being as my Being. This is faith well placed because it is aligned with the truth of what we are. What this alignment brings about is truly amazing. The intelligence of the living Universe that expresses as us is simply astonishing.

Be conscious of where you place faith. Be intentional in placing your faith and watch how it changes your life. 🕉


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