To Go Beyond Fear, Look At The Fear Directly, Not The Thing Fear Is Telling You To Be Afraid Of.
Fear tends to show up in us as this big, powerful thing. But have you ever considered that fear itself is afraid? It is. Because if you were to look at it directly, you would see through it, stop empowering it by trying to avoid it, and it would dissipate. Here is a helpful way to overcome fear…
Now About Those Nagging Thoughts…
This piece explores profound concepts regarding the nature of thoughts, the illusion of psychological time, and the practice of mindfulness. It offers valuable insights into how one can be liberated from pervasive thoughts and the perceived problems they create.
Whatever You Appreciate, Appreciates
Consider this: Energy flows where attention goes. In the practical realm, what we choose to focus on expands within our perceptions and experiences. This focus influences the electromagnetic field we radiate, playing a pivotal role in what we attract and repel. Gratitude is a potent positive force that acts as a magnetic pull for goodness.