Go Neutral
eric braun eric braun

Go Neutral

In the world of movies, there's a classic scene that we've all seen before. Someone's behind the wheel, cruising down the road, when suddenly, disaster strikes. The brakes are sabotaged, and their foot is desperately stomping on the pedal, while the car continues to accelerate. Panic sets in, and they're locked in this frantic struggle. Of course it never occurs to them to simply throw the transmission into neutral. The analogy holds true in our own lives when it comes to our minds…

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Whatever You Appreciate, Appreciates
eric braun eric braun

Whatever You Appreciate, Appreciates

Consider this: Energy flows where attention goes. In the practical realm, what we choose to focus on expands within our perceptions and experiences. This focus influences the electromagnetic field we radiate, playing a pivotal role in what we attract and repel. Gratitude is a potent positive force that acts as a magnetic pull for goodness.

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